I had a chance to test a Samsung 11.6 inch tablet running Windows 8 Pro RTM at the Microsoft store.  Retail price was a bit steep at around $1299 but this unit had a 1366 x 768display, Core I5-XX, 4 Gigs of Ram and a 128 Gig SSD.  The experience was very fast and smooth on everything I tried.   I listed some of the key features that I noticed during my short test (about 60 minutes).

  • Digital Pen – Not having been a huge fan of a digital styli, the experience in Windows 8 may make me change my mind.  The big thing that impressed me was the hand writing recognition.  It worked very well despite my lousy hand writing.  During the time I used it, it made only three mistakes and believe me when I say, I could not read what I wrote, much less a tablet.  The process was fast and it pasted it into any application.  Palm recognition worked well and so did erasing.  This is something you have to try for yourself to fully appreciate it but it is very, very good.
  • Perceived battery power – This tablet which now sells with Windows 7 on it gets about 6.5 hours of battery life (according to the MS rep).  With Windows 8 it should get over 8 hours mainly due to the ability to pause background processing which Windows 7 now leaves on.
  • Heat and Noise – During my using this device, it never got hot and did not seem to make any noise at all.  I do want to point out that I was not necessarily taxing this deice and I was in a crowed Microsoft store, but holding it to my ear I could not hear anything.
  • Window 8 at its best – Tablets is obviously where the Windows 8 really shows its stuff.  Now that I had a short time to mess with it, I know I will be standing in line first for the RT, then ultimately for a pro version when they become available.

For more information on the hardware visit http://www.samsung.com/us/computer/tablet-pcs  (presently this is being bundles with Windows 7 with a free upgrade on the 11/26)



This is only one of many tablets we will see coming out, and this Samsung is very well built, but in my opinion is priced to high.  After running this for a short time, I might be a believer that a tablet with Windows 8 Pro will be a great solution for a laptop replacements as well as an awesome consumption device.  I think we are all in for a pleasant surprise and as prices come down to something a bit more manageable, I believe this will be a very popular solution for both casual and hardcore users.  I really look forward to seeing how Microsoft will price the Surface Pro.  If it is priced right, it could be game changer if the experience is anything like this Samsung unit.